About Love
How About Love works
8 short plays will be performed each night from November 17th to 22nd 2020
Audiences will be asked to vote for
Best Play
Notable performances
Closing show, November 22nd, in addition to the audience vote, our panel of Judges will make the final decision on
Best Play (1 selection)
Notable Performance (2 selections)
Notable direction (1 selection)
Where did we get our plays?
An open call for submissions was announced and playwrights are asked to submit their plays between May 1st and July 28th, 2020. For playwrights, please see here for more information.

About love – a message from our artistic director
The genre of the 10-minute play requires character development, convincing story lines and conflict resolution in the time it takes many of us to find our seats. Some writers specialize in 10-minute genre and many famous writers use this genre to explore characters and ideas. For directors, this genre tests the ability to tell stories without the luxury of time. They work to ensure that an audience sees a full story arc delivered in a compelling and entertaining way. A bit like speed dating; the actors have to get their character across to the audience in minutes and then convincingly follow through as sudden storyline changes occur.
If this is your first time exploring the world of ten-minute plays, don’t be afraid, it’ll be over soon, too soon in fact. Audience members will be invited to vote for their favourite play and notable performance by an actor. Judges will tally the votes, determine the winning play, select two actors for their performance, and recognize a notable director.
Gerald Williams, Artistic Director, Tomo Suru Players
<Show Dates>
November 17th to 22nd.
Tuesday November 17th Doors 7:00pm, Show 7:30pm
Wednesday November 18th, Doors 7:00pm, Show 7:30pm
Thursday November 19th, Doors 7:00pm, Show 7:30pm
Friday November 20th, Doors 7:00pm, Show 7:30pm
Saturday November 21st, Doors 7:00pm, Show 7:30pm
Sunday November 22nd, Doors 1:30pm, Show 2:00pm ***Judges show***
Havana Theatre
1212 Commercial Dr, Vancouver, BC
V5L 3X4

Gerald Williams, Artistic Director
Gerald is a writer director and producer. A former acting teacher and artistic director of a theatre in Kobe, Japan, he has been living in Canada for 5 years. He has directed numerous plays, and since being in Vancouver his productions have been nominated for over 20 Ovation and CTC awards and himself has been nominated as best director three times.

Rylan Oleksyn, Mentor Director & Script Manager
Rylan began life in a tiny northern Saskatchewan town where he developed a heightened sense of fashion and sophistication. His most current work can be found on Youtube: The Destruction of a Soul Through the Pursuit of Solitary Sensual Pleasure: An Homage to Cheesemaking. He wants to thank the coffee shops of Vancouver for allowing him to sit for hours at a time working on his current screenplay; The story of a man on a journey to discover love and acceptance in a town filled with coffee shops. He would also like to point out that coffee production is one of the leading causes of greenhouse gases in the Central American Appalachian Region and, much like beef consumption, causes more carbon emissions in a single day than all of Northern Saskatchewan in a four year period under normal weather conditions. And he’s happy to be part of this production and proud of his role in it.

David McCane, Script Manager
David is a gorgeously constructed man who knows the difference between works which are scuttling claws across floors of silent seas and those which reach out a hand and touch the face of God. If he dies and returns to earth he will be the reincarnation of Beethoven but with a better hair stylist. After his second Emmy he decided to stop performing as it leads to public accolades which are tiresome. He’s more enamored with his three Tony awards. And to those who’ve never won an award he’d like to offer his condolences and offer the advice that Brando gave to him early on in his career, “don’t give up losers as your mother will always love you.”

Amber Scott, Stage Manager
Amber has been stage managing with Tomo Suru Players for almost 3 years now. From "String Of Pearls", through "Cabaret" and multiple About Love festivals, to it's latest travelling Fringe show "How I Murdered My Mother", the latter of which she also had the joy of directing...but she is done with that part of her life now and will leave the directing to the semi-professionals we've gathered for you this year!
Shigeru Matsubara, Producer
Shigeru has been involved in the entertainment business for more than 20 years. Working with the Osaka European Film Festival and then moving on to Universal Studios Japan has given Shigeru an international perspective on entertainment, the work of artists and the expectations of audiences. After moving to Canada he is delighted to be part of the team of Tomo Suru and hopes that friendships are made and good works created.
Special Thanks
Bill Hacker
Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard Productions